AUGUST 30, 2006
Word Count:217
“I told you he wouldn’t do it Mahmoud.”
“Yes, the infidel as you predicted, was not so easily lured.”
“Too bad. It would have been an excellent opportunity to expose the world to the evil that lurks in the west.”
“We can still use the refusal to debate to our advantage. We must keep up the demands for talks. It may buy us the time we need to become fully operational.”
“I know. We have the best people Allah has produced working on it. Where needed, Allah has also provided us with the necessary funds to buy the people and resources we do not have. It is those resources we need to destroy our enemies in a cauldron of fire that will burn for a thousand years.”
“I agree. With Bush junior in charge, times although trying, have never been better. Allah is most wise. It is ironic that the revenues from inflated oil prices are funding our jihad.”
“And speaking of junior, what if he continues to refuse our demands for talks?”
“Let him. We will unleash our most devastating series of attacks of which even he could not conceive.”
“Three attacks in the same day. Chicago, Los Angeles and New York.”
“You don’t mean…”
“Yes…Appearances on Oprah, Leno and a bouzouki solo on Lettermen!”