(In 250 Words or Less)

OCTOBER 3, 2006
Word Count:250

“Golly George, this sure looks like a mess for the Republican Party.”

“This? This is nothing. Just another problem to solve Stevie. Heh heh.”

“Nothing? You call a senior Republican Congressmen sending sexually explicit messages to minors, nothing?”

“Listen Stevie and listen good. There be a time in your career that you’ll get a red herring tossed at you.”

“Actually, in my case it’ll likely be a salmon. Our guys are adding dye to farm raised salmon to make them look healthier. It makes the flesh redder. There are lots of shades. The wife is thinking of doing the guestroom done in shade 463…”

“Focus Stevie, focus. But I think you’re getting the idea. Change the subject, but not entirely. Spins them off target heh heh.”

“Is that why your guy said they had no way of knowing the exact content of the recent instant messages?”

“Exactly! How could we?”

“But there’s allegations House officials were aware of past inappropriate communications between Foley and underage pages and nothing was done.”

“Do you hear us talking about that?”

“Not really.”

“You see, it works. Heh heh. We take an outraged view on the instant messages. We have to. We tuck him away somewhere safe. Get his face off the news. He gets therapy. People have short memories. We still have seven weeks before the vote. Heck, his name is still on the ballot. He just might be cured in time. Heh heh.”

“I should try this with Afghanistan?”

“Afghanis-where? Heh heh.”

* DISCLAIMER - All Conversations/Stories are SATIRE
Copyright © 2006 Jim Sadlemyer