SEPTEMBER 22, 2006
Word Count:250
“Heh heh. Good speech at the UN Stevie.”
“Gosh…Thanks. Didn’t see you at the assembly.”
“Wasn’t there. Lunchtime. Tuna fish and apple pie were half price at the commissary. Heard it was good though.”
“Really? Thanks! What did you like?”
“The part where you didn’t call me Satan.”
“Heard there was lots of applause.”
“Yes, it was very flattering.”
“Maybe too much applause.”
“Best to rein in your boy wonder a bit.”
“Peter MacKay?”
“Yeah, that’s the fella. Remind him it’s the UN, not a rugby match, he was the only one there.”
“I’ll try. He’s very enthusiastic.”
“See that you do. Now about your other speech?”
“You heard about that too?”
“‘Course I did. What’s this nonsense about Arctic sovereignty?”
“Canadians feel pretty strongly about this. Check your maps. Canada’s part’s all pink. That means it belongs to us.”
“For now. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of time before we start re-drawing maps. Heard you didn’t like the identity cards and all those towers either.”
“Why not just build a wall?”
“Wouldn’t work. It was tried before, remember?”
“A wall is still a wall albeit virtual.”
“Gotta keep out those terrorists heh heh.”
“Terrorists or tourists?”
“You can’t be too careful Stevie.”
“Don’t pout. Listen, I gotta go. Got this Pakistan thing going on. Why not bring the wife and kids down for the weekend. We’ll play some mini-golf, and relax, my treat?”
“Sound great! If we leave now we might clear the border line-up in time.”