Word Count:250
“We have a very special guest in our class today. His name is Stephen Harper, our Prime Minister and he is here to answer questions on Senate Reform. I’m sure you all did your homework. So, who wants to ask the first question? How about you Chaylene?”
“Like the Senate? Who cares?”
“Chaylene! Sit Down! Gerald ask your question.”
“But sir, like, I meant that! I mean who really cares if we even have a senate or not? Why do we want to have another level of government? Won’t it just slow things down?”
“Are you from Quebec or are you a New Democrat?”
“I don’t understand your response Mr. Harper.”
“My senate won’t like trouble makers.”
“Gerald, go ahead. Ask your question.”
“Like uh, if you want to have, like, an elected senate, how come you appointed Michael Fortier?”
“Well uh, you see, it’s all about flexibility. I had to offer him something. Trust me. Next question?”
“Go ahead Susie.”
“Our Senate has been referred to as a rubber stamp in that they rubber stamp everything from the House of Commons. Won’t your vision of the senate ultimately become a carbon copy of the U.S. Senate? And if that’s so, could it not also be argued that our ‘new senate’ could become the rubber stamp of U.S. foreign policy?”
“Heh heh, I believe I can answer that one.”
“I’m sorry Mr. Bush. I warned you before class. No interrupting. You can wait for Stephen in the hall.”