Topic: November 7, 2006
"It’s a real honour having you here in my office, can I call you Grapes?"
"Lemme tell ya sumthing Stevie, you’re the Prime Minister of Canada. You can call me whatever the hell you want."
"Gee that’s great Grapes, I’m your number one faaaaaaan."
"Now I wanna tell you sumthin and you need to listen and listen good. You got that?"
"Sure Grapes."
"All that stuff I said out there was for the troops out there to hear. I support and respect those boys more than most of the hockey players I know."
"I really appreciate it Grapes."
"Stevie,it wasn’t for you. Those boys are dying over there. There’s some bad stuff going on, we know that, and I’m not about to wade into the middle of a political fight at the expense of our guys and tell Canadians that your coaching abilities may not be what’s best for team. And let me tell ya, your team needs some shaking up."
"Well, I did send off Ambrose to Kenya for awhile."
"That’s a start, now what about that MacKay boy hmm? Not even man enough to admit sumthin everybody already believes he said. And what was that crap. You know what I’m talkin about, that staged photo op after Stronach and he split? And then the comment??? Doesn’t he know who she’s seeing now? I tell ya, he better not get in Ty’s way."
"Well, it’s a good thing hockey has nothing to do with politics."
"Canadians know that too."