Topic: November 6, 2006
"Hurry up Rona. You’ll be late for the opening of the conference."
"I’m not going. I have a stomach-ache...ya that’s it, a stomach-ache."
"But we’re already in Kenya!"
"So? We have some fancy talking to do and we can’t do it if you’re not present."
"What if Stephen finds out?"
"Do you really think he cares about this conference? I mean, if he really cared about the environment do you think that he would have me as the minister for it in the first place? I mean really..."
"Well you do have a point there but we should at least show up."
"I suppose I could show up for a few minutes. Get some pictures taken. Maybe you could find some starving orphans or something. It’d be proof I was there. Nothing like a photo-op when your chips are down. Just ask MacKay."
"That’s more like it. That sounds like the old Rona."
"Who’s old?"
"That’s not what I meant and you know it."
"Turn up the air conditioner will you. It’s like, Africa hot here."
"It’s on full and this is Africa remember?"
"Well then just go buy another two I want to put one in the closet to keep my shoes fresh. You better take the hotel limo, you’ll need the extra space."
"Hotel limo? We brought our own."
"Take both, just in case."
"I don’t suppose you have your Canadian Tire card do you?"
"Don’t be silly, use the party’s American Express."