Topic: November 30, 2006
“Some line up eh?”
“It must be a block and a half just to get in.”
“And once you’re in, there’s no guarantee you’ll find what you need.”
“Say, you don’t suppose Klein’s fallen off the wagon do you?”
“I doubt it. One man couldn’t cause such a shortage, even King Ralph. I think it has to do with our growing population.”
“Well, a healthy economy can’t hurt.”
“You don’t suppose there’s a connection here do you?”
“Come again?”
“Look at us for example. Just a couple of guys in a line waiting to go in and buy booze.”
“Go on.”
“How many years of Conservative rule have we had here in Alberta?”
“Gee, I’m not sure. I can barely remember Alberta before Ralph.”
“Well, there was Lougheed and then Getty. To be truthful, I’d have to Google to find out who was in power before that but I bet it was a Torrie too.”
“Your point?”
“Our province is booming, there’s a lot of money. You don’t suppose there’s a conspiracy by the government to keep us from thinking by plying us with booze do you?”
“Maybe it’s just the Liberals in this province who are responsible for the shortage, and their only way of coping is by swilling more?”
“Well I’m not Liberal.”
“Me either!”
“What kind of Christmas will it be if we can’t carry on Ralph’s tradition of belittling the homeless after having a few belts?”
“A strange, dry, dry Christmas.”