Topic: January 2, 2007
“It’s not fair!”
“You knew when I gave you this position that it was only temporary.”
“But I worked hard Stephen, really hard.”
“I know Rona but let’s face it. You’ve done nothing with the environment portfolio.”
“But you told me to do nothing.”
“And you did a great job. But now I need to be seen as doing something, so what better way to achieve that than by doing nothing. I mean, I replace you and then I can say I’ve done something when in reality I’ve really done nothing but if it convinces just enough people that I’ve done something then the point of the whole exercise will not have gone to waste.”
“Just give me another chance. I’ll do less, I promise.”
“I don’t see how that’s possible.”
“I carried this portfolio since we got elected.”
“I know that and I’m grateful to you for having achieved so little for so long but we need to convince the public we’re doing something. I need to make this change Rona. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you.”
“How? By limiting Senatorial terms to eight years?”
“That was nothing and you know it. It was just a little nothing for the public to see that I’m doing something that’s all. Besides, we could use your skills in heading up the Indian Affairs Department.”
“Indian Affairs? Hmmm. Well okay, if that’s the case, then you ain’t seen nothing yet.”
“I knew we could count on you!”
“Thanks Stephen, it’s nothing.”