Topic: January 11, 2007
"Agent Smith here."
"Hello Smith. Stockwell Day here."
"Minister Day, it's good to hear from you. We were expecting your call."
"No. I don't speak French. You said "we?" "
"Yes. You said, "we were expecting your call.""
"No I didn't."
"Who else is on this line?"
"Just me sir."
"Yes sir?"
"Is this line secure?"
"As secure as you can get sir."
"You've seen the papers?"
"Yes we have."
"There! You did it again!"
"No I didn't."
"Yes you did."
"That's correct sir. I have seen the papers. We told you this would happen."
"Listen Smith, as Minister in charge of CSIS, it was my duty to see that Canada has kept up with modern spy techniques. It was for the prestige."
"We're the laughing stock now."
"You've denied it right?"
"Of course. Blamed the Russians and Chinese, even hinted France might be involved too."
"Excellent. Always blame the French."
"The thought sir, of making hollow Toonies for surveillance transmitters, was not thought through. When the Americans hollowed out silver dollars, it was for smuggling items. What possible use would it be, tracking a Toonie given to an American contractor? They spend them! We know where they go already. We carpool when they're in town. We don't need to track them."
"I wish you'd been more vocal about this at the meeting."
"We were sir!"
"Which one?"
"Which one?"
"We're all named Smith here sir. You should consider a name change yourself."
Posted by JimSadlemyer
at 11:25 PM PST