Topic: February 6, 2007
"Welcome aboard Garth."
"Thanks Stephane. I'm looking forward to writing about our new partnership."
"Uh, about that..."
"I'm sure my blog readers will look forward to our daily antics. I'm sure we'll get a significant number of hits to the site. I'm so excited."
"Uh, Garth about the blog..."
"Hey! I know. We could do a webcast at the ceremonies."
"There really isn't much of a ceremony Garth. Just a couple of forms to sign and you're in. Our Human Resources Manager will be happy to show you. It only takes a couple of minutes. You can do it in her office."
"I'll bring my laptop. How's the lighting? Never mind, I'll bring in a couple of spot lamps just to be safe. I'll have it all set up in a matter of minutes."
"Uh, Garth? Who's that woman peering in your window? She looks dangerous."
"Oh, she's nothing to worry about."
"But she's wailing and moaning."
"It's Elizabeth May. She'll get over it. Tell you what I'll do. I'll draw the blinds. There. Isn't that better?"
"Yes it is, thanks. Now back to business, we thought we'd seat you next to Belinda Stronach in The House."
"That no good flea bitten-"
"Garth. You're on our side now, remember?"
"That poor misunderstood woman. I'd be happy to have her at my side."
"Glad to hear it. Now I need the two of you to work on getting The NDP to join us too."
"I'll start on Layton."
Posted by JimSadlemyer
at 10:11 AM PST