Topic: February 21, 2007
"Well, if it isn't John Q. Public. How the hell are you?"
"I'm not sure. I feel like I'm stumbling around in the dark."
"You are. Hang on a sec."
"Wow! That's better, whatcha do?"
"I turned on the lights."
"But light bulbs are illegal aren't they?"
"Not these kind. These are government approved light bulbs."
"Well, if they're endorsed by the government, they must be okay."
"That's the kind of support that makes me proud to be Prime Minister of Canada."
"But I thought it was the Ontario Government that was banning the old style light bulbs, not the Federal Government."
"Are you saying then that you don't support our troops in Afghanistan?"
"Its comments like those that really make me want to retch."
"Now wait a gall darned minute. Of course I support our troops. What Canadian doesn't?"
"I'm glad that we can continue counting on your support. Speaking of which, in order to keep our troops safe in Afghanistan we are going to be counting on that kind of support in the election."
"Election? Support? Are you saying our troops won't be safe if I vote Liberal or even NDP?"
"I never said that."
"Then why are you nodding your head up and down, tapping your nose and winking at me?"
"Listen I'd love to stay and chat but I have a budget to plan which will result in a non-confidence vote that just might get us re-elected. Ta."
"Maybe we should just ban politicians."
Posted by JimSadlemyer
at 10:02 AM PST