Topic: December 5, 2006
“Where have you been?”
“Sorry, what was that? I’ve been really, really busy lately.”
“‘Tis the season. Everybody’s busy.”
“I know. I know.”
“There’s been so much happening.”
“Like what?”
“Ooh, let’s see. The build up to the Liberal Leadership Convention and then the surprise, come from behind win by Stephen Dion as the new leader for starters.”
“Dion? Dion? He won?”
“Yes he won, AND, he is leading Harper in the polls.”
“Who would have thunk?”
“We thought we were going to have Bob Rae at the helm so this will take some time to digest.”
“I should think so.”
“You missed the first Canadian tank to be involved in battle since World War II. You missed the AG report which listed bureaucratic waste and mismanagement. All fodder, ripe, for you to pick apart.”
“AND,,,what about the Governor General?”
“What about her?”
“You thought Adrienne Clarkson was bad? She’s been globe trotting like crazy! Photo-op after the taxpayers expense!”
“Wasn’t she the one who at one time was committed to separating Quebec from Canada?”
“Yes. And speaking of that, you missed the whole turmoil about the Quebec is a nation thing.”
“I heard about that. I was busy. It blew over. At least for now.”
“There was a ton of other things you missed too.”
“Sorry. I’ll try to re-focus.”
“So Jim, when are you going to start writing again?”
“Today. I think I’ll write to thank Jack Layton. There’s only one S in gas.”